Making a Reservation
Learn how to select facilities and items, and check out
Creating an Account
How to create an account and set up your profile
Editing Your Roster
How to import a roster, or edit specific people
Access Codes
How to add an access code to your reservation.
Ransburg Scout Reservation - Sycamore (Ridge 1/Camp 14)

All campsites include a shelter, outdoor latrine, and seasonal water (April 15 - October 15).

12:00 PM
11:30 AM

Facility Amenities

Camp Use Policy Back to Top


Non-BSA renters must complete and submit a Facility Use Agreement,  and procure and provide a Certificate of Insurnace to the Crossroads of America Council within 10 business days of completing their reservation or the reservation will be canceled. They must also comply with all BSA GROUP policies listed below.


The Licensee shall procure and maintain commercial general liability insurance with coverage limits of no less than a combined single limit of $2,000,000 with a waiver of subrogation, naming Crossroads of America Council as an additional insured as specified (2). The Licensee shall provide a certificate of insurance at least 30 days prior to the Start Date. If the event includes alcohol service, the Certificate of Insurance must include a Host Liquor Liability endorsement.

1. Certificate Holder: Crossroads of America Council, Boy Scouts of America, 7125 Fall Creek Road North, Indianapolis, IN 46256.

2. The Crossroads of America Council located at 7125 Fall Creek Road North, Indianapolis, IN 46256, and the Boy Scouts of America located at 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane, Irving, TX 75015, are additional insured as stipulated by contract.


A security deposit is charged to cover any possible damage, loss and general cleaning charges. This is refunded if the facility is left in good condition and cleaned according to the Cleaning Guidelines, please allow up to 4 weeks after your event to receive your approved refund. All renters are responsible to replace or repair property, and for equipment damage or cleaning costs they might incur above and beyond the security deposit.


Facilities and camps are provided by the council to support unit programs, district activities, council events and community organizations. The council facilities and camps are a large financial obligation of service by our council. Enjoy these facilities, protect them, conserve and give everyone the chance to enjoy a Scouting adventure. All activities in council facilities must be designed to be a positive contribution to the training and growth of every youth, using the proven purpose and methods of the Boy Scouts of America. Understand that the Scout Oath and Scout Law are the guiding principles of our camps and are the responsibility of every adult leader to demonstrate by their own personal example.

A small usage fee is charged to cover normal wear and tear to the facility. Rental fees are very nominal - thanks to Friends of Scouting and United Way support - but are important to the upkeep of the buildings, equipment and grounds. Rental facilities must be cleaned following the Cleaning Guidelines All renters are responsible to replace or repair property, and for equipment damage or additional cleaning charges they might incur.

- Check-in and check-out of camp per the instructions for each location.
- All groups are responsible for set-up and clean-up of any facility used, following the Cleaning Guidelines published separately.
- Use only those facilities that have been reserved and paid for. Should it be found that additional facilities were used, additional charges may be incurred.
- We can not rent summer camp program equipment or supplies beyond the items listed in the Quartermaster section of this site. Some basic camping equipment and program supplies can be rented, however. Any equipment available to rent must be reserved through the online reservation system under the Quartermaster section.
- Smoking is not allowed in any council building and only in designated smoking areas on Scout property.
- Cook only in kitchen provided areas of cabins and other buildings.
- No open flames in any building. Build outdoor fires only in the provided areas. Please clean up fire scars.
- Don’t dig tent trenches or keyhole fires.
- Show proper care with propane or white gas stoves and lanterns.
- No alcohol or illegal drugs are allowed on any Scout property.
- No firearms, weapons or fireworks are allowed on any Scout property.
- No chainsaws allowed.
- Pets are prohibited in any Scout facility or camp.
- Park all vehicles only in the provided parking lots.
- Scouts cannot travel in the bed of trucks. All occupants of a vehicle must use a seat belt at all times.
- Follow Youth Protection guidelines.
- Follow any posted guidelines in any council building or camp or verbal instructions provided by the ranger.

All renters are responsible to "leave camp better than they found it". Please report any damage. Failure to comply with any of these guidelines may result in additional charges.

Check In Procedure Back to Top

Please check-in with the ranger upon arrival. If you find that you will arrive more than 30 minutes before or after your indicated check-in time, please notify Ranger Stephen Giorgio at (812) 837-9423. If you do not, you may not be able to check-in upon arrival and/or forfeit your security deposit.

Check Out Procedure Back to Top

Please refer to the Facility Use and Cleaning Policy for further instructions about rules during your rental and cleaning the facility for return of your security deposit. Please check-out with the ranger before departing. All damages must be reported to the ranger.

Cancellation Policy Back to Top

Cancellations made within 60 days of the reservation date are not subject to a refund. Cancellations made more than 120 days before the date of the reservation will receive a full refund. See chart below for a breakdown in refund amounts.

Cleaning Policy Back to Top

All renters must follow the cleaning guildelines below and are responsible to replace or repair property or equipment damage or cleaning costs they might incur.

- Empty all trash containers, reline if bags provided, and deposit all trash in the dumpster, "pack it home", or dispose of as directed by the ranger.
- Remove all personal items from all rental locations.
- Indoors or outside, make sure all fires are out and clean up fire scars.
- Follow any camp specific cleaning guidelines provided by the ranger.

If renting any building:
- All groups are responsible for set-up and clean-up of any facility used.
- Renters are responsible for the cleaning and condition of other areas in the facility used by their group members beyond what may have been reserved to include small meeting rooms, restrooms and kitchen.
- Wipe down all tables and hard chairs with cleaning solution and paper towels found in the janitor’s closet.
- Return all tables, chairs and other furniture to their original position.
- Sweep or vacuum floor, mopping any spills if needed.
- Erase all white boards.
- Make sure water is shut off in any meeting room, restroom or kitchen.
- Make sure all windows are closed. If room is equipped with window blinds or shades, make certain they are left closed.
- Turn off coffee warmers and coffee pots.
- Turn off all lights.
- Make sure no outside doors are propped open.

If kitchen has been used:
- Remove all food from the refrigerator and freezer.
- Wash and put away any dishes used.
- Make certain all appliances are turned off, including coffee maker.
- Wipe down all surfaces, including the inside of the microwave.

All renters are responsible to "leave camp better than they found it". Please report any damage. Failure to comply with any of these guidelines may result in the loss of security deposit or additional charges.