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Camp Woodland - Algonquin Lean-To Site

This rental includes 3 lean-to structures and the tent campsite.
There is a latrine and water in the site.

05:00 PM
12:00 PM

Facility Amenities

Camp Use Policy Back to Top

Camp Rules

Adult Supervision/Curfew: The standard BSA policy of "two deep leadership" will always be in effect. Under no circumstances will scouts be left unsupervised. The hours between 10:00 pm and 7:00 am should be quiet hours to respect the rights of others in camp. Youth campers should not be outside the immediate vicinity of their campsite during these hours unless under adult supervision.

Reservations: All reservations for use of cabins, tenting or use of other Camp facilities are made by booking at

Day Use of Camp Woodland: Scout Units and other groups can make reservations through the Council office for a day event at Camp Woodland. Individuals' are welcome to visit Camp for the day for hiking if the Camp has not been reserved for an event. All individuals must check in and register at the Trading Post. Visitors are to check out prior to leaving Camp.

Cabins, Tents and Male/Female Sleeping Accommodations: In accordance with BSA guidelines, male and female leaders require separate sleeping facilities unless they are married and appropriate facilities are available. Male and female youth must not share the same sleeping facilities. When tents are used, no youth will stay in the tent of an adult other than a Cub Scout with their or her parent or guardian. All Units are expected to camp in accordance with BSA policies as set out in the Guide to Safe Scouting. Review the current guidelines at and or contact the Service Center for clarification.

Check-in & Check-out: All Units are required to check out at the Trading Post prior to leaving Camp. See the Camp Woodland Check In/ Check Out Procedure for  more details on the check in/ check out process.

Carry In - Carry Out Policy: This is a carry in - carry out Camp. All campers are expected to remove all garbage and take it with them. Make sure all personal belongings are removed. At no time is trash to be buried or burned.

Fires and Firewood: Each cabin is provided with wood for the wood stoves. For additional wood, if needed, see the Campmaster or Ranger Staff on duty. Each Unit is responsible for restocking the wood in the cabin prior to leaving. Ground fires are only allowed in designated fire rings or fire barrels, except during periods of fire bans as established by Oswego County. Campers can use any downed trees or brush as firewood for campfires. Cutting live trees for campfires is not allowed. Cutting of firewood by any camper is to be done by ax or hand saw in an appropriate ax yard. Chainsaws are not allowed to be used by any camper. See the Camp Woodland Firewood Policy for more information.

Vehicles in Camp: Weather and road conditions permitting, units may drive one vehicle to their cabin or campsite. All other vehicles must be parked in the main parking lot. No parking is allowed on any Camp road or trail. Permission of the Campmaster on Duty is required for any additional vehicle usage. Riding in the open bed of any vehicle is strictly prohibited in accordance with New York State law.

Check In Procedure Back to Top

Welcome to Camp Woodland! Upon arrival in Camp, please check in at the Trading Post

  • All reservations and payments must be made in advance.
  • Normal arrival times are between 5pm and 8:30pm on Friday. Please indicate your estimated arrival time in Camp Reservation when making your rental.
  • Each Unit must sign in and provide a Unit Roster listing all youth and adults in your group. Verify that you have the proper adult supervision: at least two adults and at least I female adult if a female youth is with your group.
  • Each cabin has been inspected prior to the Unit's arrival in Camp. Upon arrival at the cabin, check for anything broken or damaged and notify the Campmaster on duty.
Check Out Procedure Back to Top

Prior to the Unit's departure from Camp, please do the following:

  • Clean off all counters and shelves in the cabin.
  • Sweep the floors and pick up all garbage.
  • Garbage is to be taken home with you. We are a pack in - pack out property.
  • Make sure the fire is out and the wood stove is secure
  • Firewood should be re-stocked and stacked neatly where it was found.
  • Any bunks or tables that have been moved are to be put back in their original location.
  • Please check your area carefully to make sure you have all of your belongings. Do not leave anything behind.
  • If any damage to the cabin occurred over the weekend, please notify the Campmaster. Repair of any unreported or deliberate damage will be charged to the Unit.
  • Sign out of Camp at the Trading Post and turn in your Unit Survey form.
Cancellation Policy Back to Top

Full refunds will be given more than 30 days from a rental.

a 50% cancellation fee is charged within 30 days. Full payment is due for cancellations within 2 weeks.

You may be able to transfer your rental with no penalty depending on circumstances and availability of facilities. Contact the Council Service Center for more information.