Staff Hut #3 has 1 bunk and electric heat
05:00 PM
12:00 PM
1 | Capacity |
1 | Sleeping |
Seven Mountains Scout Camp Facility Rental Agreement Upon acceptance by our office and payment of all rental fees in full, this Agreement is made for ___________ (date of rental) between the Juniata Valley Council, Boy Scouts of America (“JVC”) and your organization or Scouting group (“Organization”), on the dates listed on the reverse side for Organization’s use of JVC facilities at Camp Seven Mountains.
In consideration of JVC permitting Organization to use JVC premises, and intending to be legally bound, Organization hereby agrees as follows: 1. Organization, on behalf of itself, its members, agents, visitors, guests, and employees agrees to abide by all of the terms of this agreement. Rental fee for use of the requested facilities as listed and shall be paid in full upon reservation.
2. Organization, on behalf of itself, its members, agents, visitors and employees hereby releases, and hereby covenants and agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless, JVC, its directors, officers, volunteers, agents and employees, from all liabilities and claims for damages and/or suits, charges, expenses (including counsel fees) and costs for or by reason of any injury or injuries to any person or persons or property of any kind whatsoever from any cause or causes whatsoever while Organization is in or upon JVC premises during the term of this Agreement, or occasioned by any occupancy or use of JVC premises or any activity carried on by the Organization in connection therewith, however occurring, and whether or not caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder.
3. Non-Scouting Organizations - the JVC reserves the right to require additional insurances or higher limits of coverage, or to grant an exemption, depending on the nature of the event.
4. Organization agrees to follow all applicable JVC policies. In particular, if the Organization’s activity shall involve minors, Organization certifies that the Officer whose signature appears on this document has read [Guide to Safe Scouting -] and the Organization has complied with all relevant aspects of that Policy and Pennsylvania Child Protection Laws (
5. The JVC has the right to terminate Organization’s use of JVC premises if, in the sole discretion of JVC, such use would interfere with operation of the JVC, or if the event cannot be held by reason of fire, flood, acts of God, strikes, labor disturbances, or other events beyond the control of the JVC. The Organization agrees to release, hold harmless and defend the JVC from any costs, including legal fees, due to the JVC’s termination of Organization’s use of JVC premises.
6. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The Organization hereby agrees to be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts for the County of Centre, Pennsylvania and agrees further that Centre County shall be the venue for any and all legal actions brought under this Agreement.
7. Possession or use of Alcohol at Seven Mountains Scout Camp during this rental is NOT Permitted and will result in immediate expulsion from JVC property and loss of any rental fees.
8. Additional terms of rental: • JVC shall: Have the rented facilities clean and ready for habitation by 3pm on the rental date as agreed upon. • JVC shall: If the entire camp is being rented - all facilities and buildings are in use by the “Organization” - the camp should be considered “private” for the duration of the rental and posted as such. • JVC shall: If previously arranged – meals and or food as agreed upon. Such charges will be considered above and beyond the rental fees and terms will be covered under separate agreement. • Organization shall: Pay for any damage to the property, its buildings and contents as identified. • Organization shall: Leave campground in same condition as it was found Other conditions: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Changes to this agreement must be acknowledged in writing by both parties before it is considered binding. All verbal agreements are considered null and void.
Seven Mountains Scout Camp is open 365 days a year. In the event the camp, weather conditions or roads to get to the facility are deemed hazardous by the Juniata Valley Council a full refund will be issued. Notice will be posted on the Council website (, or the Council Service Center. If in doubt, please call camp ranger Charlie Harklerode at 717-363-6664
1. All requests must be made in writing and received by the Juniata Valley Council at least two weeks prior to the rental period
2. Requests made after the two-week lead-time will only be issued if the facility can be rented during the same period. Last minute refunds will only be given for extenuating circumstances.
3. Refunds will not be given once the rental period has begun.