Rodney Scout Reservation rests on 944 acres of rolling upland woodlands at the head of the Chesapeake Bay and boasts of over a mile of prime Chesapeake Bay waterfront. Rodney has been in continuous operation since 1923.
Located in Cecil County, Maryland, ...
Camp Reservation Rating:
(53 Reviews)
Henson Scout Reservation is located on 1889 acres of pristine Delmarva pinelands bordered by both the Nanticoke River and Marshyhope Creek. Henson has a rich history of offering year-round camping and program opportunities for Cub Scout ...
Camp Reservation Rating:
(11 Reviews)
Akridge Scout Reservation is located on 85 acres of the former Kesselring family farm. The camp features 9 campsites as well as 3 pavilions, an outdoor arena and a covered 32 position archery range. The new Scout camp is bordered by two county parks, an el ...
Camp Reservation Rating:
(11 Reviews)