Making a Reservation
Learn how to select facilities and items, and check out
Creating an Account
How to create an account and set up your profile
Editing Your Roster
How to import a roster, or edit specific people
Access Codes
How to add an access code to your reservation.
Camp Hansen - Pawnee Campsite

One of 9 self-sufficent tent campsites with a shower, latrine, wash area, water fountain and faucet, picnic tables, and shelter house.

03:00 PM
03:00 PM

Facility Amenities

Camp Use Policy Back to Top

Coronado Area Council Camps Short Term Reservation Policies


Coronado Area Camps have been established for the purpose of providing an outdoor setting to further the development of youth through the character building program of the Boy Scouts of America. Usage of the Brown or Hansen Reservation by Non-Scout groups whose purposes are compatible with those of the BSA is permitted at times when the camp is not in use by the Coronado Area Council or associated youth organizations. The person making the reservation for the group will be held responsible for the care of the facilities and the conduct of the group while using the property.

2. Reservations

BSA/Scout Groups

Council(1), District(2), Units(3) have priority in that order and are on a first come first served basis 

Reservations for the current program year can be taken any time during that year. Coronado Area Council reserves the right to cancel or change a reservation if it conflicts with a Council event.

NON BSA Groups

Reservations should be submitted at least one month prior to the date desired and upon reservation, the group must proof of liability insurance ($2,000,000 w/BSA named as additionally insured).

3. Deposits & Payments

A deposit of at least 50% of the perspective Usage fee is required at time of submission. The deposit is refundable if notice is given at least 30 days in advance. The remaining portion of the Usage fee must be paid at the time of check in at camp or prior to arrival at camp.

4. Damages

Groups should leave the facilities of camp clean and in good order. Damages caused by misuse or carelessness are subject to reasonable charges for repair or replacement.


Cleaning Charges are for excessive trash, dirt/muddy floors left behind after your visit. 

Buildings- $75

Campsites- $25

Shelters- $25

Burnt Ground- $50

5. Prohibited Substances and Activities

Alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, explosives, fireworks, firearms, ammunition, bicycles, mopeds, golf carts, UTV's, and ATV's, are not permitted. Smoking is not permitted in any camp buildings. Ground fires are not allowed, fire pit or portable fire barrels ONLY. Cooking/Camp fires must be attended and liquid fuel for cooking safeguarded.

7. Aquatics
Users of the Swimming Pool must provide a qualified, certified adult supervisor and certified lifeguards. Lifeguards can be provided by the Council at a fee of $25/hour.

8. Wildlife Protection

Both Council Camps are a Game and Wildlife Preserve and care should be taken at all times not to disturb or destroy wildlife or habitats.  No hunting is permitted and state laws regulating fishing apply. Pets are not allowed at the Camp Brown or Camp Hansen. However, Service Animals are allowed. Service Animals are defined as DOGS that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA. In order to bring a service dog to camp you must provide proof of insurance and proof of training for the Service Dog.

9. Housing

Sleeping is permitted only in designated buildings where smoke alarms are installed. Users must observe the capacity on indoor housing and is limited to adult users. Tents are permitted only in campsite areas. Emergency shelter is available in the Tornado Shelter(Brown) or Dining hall basement(Hansen). This is for use in the event of violent rain or wind storms. There is no charge for the storm shelter as a backup to your normal pre-registered housing plan.

10. Tour Plans (BSA units)

Local Council units need a tour plan to use camp if there is an overnight activity, aquatic, climbing, or shooting sports activity. Out of Council BSA groups need a Tour Plan from their local Council Office. Tour plans should be presented to the Camp Ranger.

Check In Procedure Back to Top
Upon arrival at camp, check in with Camp Ranger for a tour of the camp facilities and to pay the balance of fees due.
Check Out Procedure Back to Top
Check out with Camp Ranger before departing camp.
Cancellation Policy Back to Top

1. All requests for refunds must be made within 30 days to allow for another group to rent the facility. The request should be made in writing to

Cleaning Policy Back to Top
The unit or organization is responsible for clean up charges at the following rates:
Buildings- $75
Campsites- $25
Shelters- $25
Burnt Ground- $50