Making a Reservation
Learn how to select facilities and items, and check out
Creating an Account
How to create an account and set up your profile
Editing Your Roster
How to import a roster, or edit specific people
Access Codes
How to add an access code to your reservation.
Gamehaven Scout Camp - PHEASANT LODGE

Pheasant Lodge is located on the west side of Cub Camp next to our archery range, BB gun range, and slingshot ranges, as well as our castle play area. Its two levels have a combined maximum sleeping capacity of 26 (youth and adults) and is heated during cold months. 

05:00 PM
10:00 AM

Facility Amenities

Facility Use Policy Back to Top


Please make sure that the lodge is clean and orderly before checking out. Any garbage needs to be taken to dumpster.

Camp Use Policy Back to Top

 Camp Policies and Rules Governing Use of Gamehaven Scout Camp

  1. Reservations - Those wanting to use the Gamehaven Scout Camp (property, building, equipment) of the Gamehaven Council can make a reservation online. All requests are issued on a first come, first served basis as applications and fees are received at the Council Service Center.

  2. Rosters - Every unit needs to complete a roster prior to the date of your arrival. It is mandatory that we have a list of names of both Scouts and adults who will be at camp for both insurance and health reasons. The online form can be found on the council website on the calendar page of the website. Community Groups who rent out camp need to provide a Certificate of Liability instead of a roster list. 

  3. Seasonal Limitations – The availability of camp facilities is limited, and use must be planned to not interfere with the needs of camp and council programs. 

  4. Denial of Council Camp Facilities Use – The Gamehaven Council reserves the right to cancel or deny reservations to groups whose conduct has been such to indicate their use of camp facilities is not in the best interest of Scouting.

  5. Trained Adult Leadership – All Scout units using camp properties must be under the supervision of at least two adults, 21 years of age or older always. The Boy Scouts of America requires all adult leaders to be current on Youth Protection Training.  Community Groups who reserve camp do not need to complete youth protection training prior to attending. 

  6. Tent ditching – Absolutely no ditches are to be dug around tents. Proper pitching avoids ditching

  7. Smoking Policy – National Boy Scouts of American SMOKE FREE policy states: The use of tobacco products is prohibited in any form on scout owned property or at official Scout activities. This also includes vapor cigarettes.

  8. Trash – Garbage, trash, tin cans, etc. are to be placed in plastic trash bags. Filled bags are to be deposited in the area designated by the camp staff. Do not bury refuse. Remind all members not to litter.

  9. Wood - Do not cut down any trees. Use downed and dead wood for fires. A good Campers always leaves a supply of firewood for the next camper. To protect our land from infectious disease, we do not allow wood from outside of camp.

  10. Fire and Liquid Fuel Safety - Build fires only in designated fireplaces.

    • Do not dig holes or fires.
    • Never leave fires unattended.
    • Use water to extinguish fires and make sure they are out before leaving.
    • No open flames are allowed in tents, use only flashlights or battery lanterns..
    • Do not build fires near tents and sleeping bags.
    • Do not use liquid fuels to start fires. All liquid fuels present a potential fire hazard.
    • Liquid fuels and their use in lanterns, camp stoves, etc, are permitted only under adult supervision. Fuels should be locked in storage under adult control.
    • Lanterns and camp stoves, which use liquid fuels, are not allowed in buildings or tents. 
  11. Pets – Pets are not allowed on council properties. However, Service Dogs are welcome on council properties.

  12. Hunting – Hunting of any kind is not allowed on camp properties because it presents a safety hazard both to camp users and facilities. Violators will be asked to leave.

  13. Alcoholic Beverages - Alcoholic beverages are not allowed on council properties. Violators will be asked to leave.
  14. Firearms- Firearms are only allowed on the shooting range. Please see rules and regulations for shooting range. 
  15. Fishing - Fishing is permitted at the Gamehaven Lake. All fishing must be done in accordance with current regulations of the State of Minnesota. Those 16 years of age or older must possess a current State Fishing License. Access to the lake is by using the path next to the inlet stream or public access on the north side of camp property.
  16. Watercraft Safety - All use of watercraft at Scout events is limited to daylight hours only and must be done under the supervision of an adults at least 21 years of age, who has earned "Safety Afloat". No more than 3 people to a canoe  and all MUST WEAR life jackets. All canoers must be able to swim 100 years. Please reference your "Guide to Safe Scouting".
  17. Swimming Facilities Use and Safety - The swimming pool at Gamehaven Scout Reservation is available for group swimming. The use of the facilities must be done under the supervision of certified lifeguards. Lifeguard can be provided by the council  for an additional expense.
  18. Injury - The camp must be notified of any injury that required advanced first aid or medical treatment above simple scrapes, cuts and splinters. Please call Frankie Sears at 607-422-4529 to let him know of the situation and an incident report must be completed per National BSA regulations.  


Check In Procedure Back to Top

When arriving at camp, please check in with your campmaster at the Administration Building. If no campmaster is available your week, then check in with the Camp Caretaker at the Ranger House. One checked in, groups my be given information about the weekend (weather, burning restrictions, etc) before proceeding to their site. If needed, staff can provide maps to assist in reaching your site.

Check Out Procedure Back to Top

Cabins, lodges and campsites each have specific lists of check-out tasks to complete before leaving. Once all takes are completed, your group may leave camp. 

Cancellation Policy Back to Top


Gamehaven Scout Camp reservations that are canceled in advance of 14 days prior to the reservation are transferable; otherwise you will receive a refund, minus a $20 cancelation fee, or the reservation fee, whichever is less. If the reservation is canceled within 14 days, no refund is given, but the reservation is transferable to another rental period within the calendar year.

Cleaning Policy Back to Top


All items must be left in as good if not better condition than when found. If items are not cleaned you will be assessed a cleaning fee.