Notice: This facility is only available to members of the following unit types: Troop, Crew, Post, or Ship.
The Beaumont Challenge Course is along the rugged ridges and deep ravines high above the rest of the camp’s valley and one of the best ways to accomplish our goals. The Challenge Course is a program that includes a series of outdoor challenges beginning with basic group initiative games and progressing to more complicated Low Course and High Course activities. Some of these events involve a group effort while others test individual skills and agility. Participants climb, swing, balance, jump and think through solutions to a variety of challenges. Most participants find that they can do much more than they initially thought they could. This High Course finishes with a 600’ zip line ride thru the tree tops! There are 2 Program Slots, 7-13 participants each, available each day. If your unit reserves 1 Program Slot another unit may reserve the other slot for the day. The 2 units would operate independently that day while on the course.
When you reserve one of the 2 Program Slots your unit will be able to have 7-13 participants on the High and Low Course that day. You do not reserve the Low or High Course separately; you reserve the Challenge Course. If you need to reserve both slots because you have a large unit you can reserve 2 Program Slots on Saturday and both on Sunday.
You must have 2 Greater St. Louis Area Council Beaumont certified High Challenge Course instructors if using the High Course. You only need 1 certified instructor per group on the Low Course, that Instructor can be certified for Low Only as indicated on their card.
08:00 AM
05:00 PM
13 | Capacity |
Before you arrive at camp to start your Challenge Course experience be aware that you must have several items and trained Challenge Course Instructors before gear can be issued to your unit.
- Unit Reservation form for the Challenge Course program.
- Unit Reservation form if you are camping
- BSA Annual Health & Medical Form, parts A & B filled out and with required signatures for all participants, youth and adult. Unit leaders must have these forms in hand and present them to the Camp Ranger upon arrival. They will check to be sure you have them readily available at the course in case of an emergency.
- First Aid card and CPR card, one adult, at least 18 years of age, that will be on the Challenge Course site during the program must have a current First Aid card and CPR card. One adult can have a First Aid card and another adult can have a CPR card.
-When you reserve one of the two program slots your unit will be able to have 7-13 participants on the high and low course that day. You do not reserve the low or high course separately; you reserve the challenge course. If you need to reserve both slots because you have a large unit you can reserve 2 slots on Saturday and additional slots on Sunday.
- Greater St. Louis Area Council Challenge Course Instructor: your unit must provide 1 Challenge Course Instructor for each group of 7 to 13 participants while on the Low Course and 2 Instructors when using the High Course. Qualified Instructors should bring their qualification card. If an Instructor is getting qualified they will demonstrate their skills to the Challenge Course Instructor staff member recruited by the to-be-qualified instructor.
- Beaumont Challenge Course Instructors must have taken the Beaumont Initial Challenge Course Training or the One Day Beaumont Orientation in addition to the Initial Challenge Course Training at S bar F.
Those persons using camping facilities can help to preserve the properties and Scouting's favorable image by observing the points listed.
LEADERSHIP FOR HIKING AND CAMPING - All groups using our facilities must be supervised by at least two adults, 21 years of age or older. For all Scout groups, leaders must be currently registered in Scouting America.
Co-ed crews or posts must have a male and a female leader both 21 years old or older and approved by the sponsoring institution and the parents of the Explorers or Venturers.
A minimum of 2 youth members and 2 leaders are required for any Scouting activity.
CHECK-IN AND CHECK-OUT - All units must check in and out of camp with either the Camp Director or Camp Ranger on duty, and fill in the attendance blank, which is part of the permit form. A weekend is considered to start at 5:00 p.m. on Friday and end by 4:00 p.m. on Sunday.
FIRES - Build fires in a cleared area and put out all fires with water. Do not dig holes for fires. If rocks are used for fireplaces they must be returned to the edge of the camping area, to provide safety for mowers.
WOOD - Use only dead wood for fires. Do not cut down any trees. Chainsaw use is prohibited.
GARBAGE - TIN CANS, TRASH - bag all unburnables and bring to dumpsters. Do not burn any refuse.
MOTOR VEHICLES - Motor vehicles are to be parked in the areas provided. The speed limit at Beaumont, Lewallen, Warren Levis, Rhodes France, and Pine Ridge is 15 miles per hour and at S bar F the speed limit is 20 miles per hour. Do not drive into camping areas.
- Firearms
- Alcoholic beverage
- Non-medically prescribed drugs
- Fireworks
- No open flame lanterns or candles in tents.
- Pets
- Bicycles
Violators will be asked to leave the property.
CAMP BOUNDARIES - All Cub Scouts, Scouts, Venturers, and Explorers must stay within the camp's boundaries.
GUESTS - Any arrangements for guests must be approved in advance and noted on your reservation.
CAMP ENTRANCE GATES - Will be locked between 5 p.m. and 8 a.m. Sunday through Thursday.
WATERCRAFT - Persons using watercraft are subject to the Boy Scouts of America Safety Afloat rules. Before making any plans to use either Council canoes or your own boat, contact the Camping Service. Watercraft is restricted to daylight hours. Use of personal watercraft must be approved in advance. Privately owned gas motors are not allowed at S bar F Ranch or Camp Lewallen.
FISHING - Fishing is available to registered members of our council when their stay in camp is directly related to a unit or district outdoor event involving Cub Scouts, Scouts, Venturers, or Explorers. There must be as many Scouts as leaders on fishing trips. All fishing must be done in accordance with the current regulations of the Missouri and/or Illinois Conservation Commissions. The use of live minnows for bait is prohibited on Council owned lakes. For fishing at S bar F Ranch or Camp Lewallen, all personnel between the ages of 16 and 65 must possess a current Missouri State Fishing License.
DAMAGE TO EQUIPMENT AND CABINS - All cabins, campsites, and equipment used by a unit will be inspected by the unit leader and Camp Director or Camp Ranger before being occupied or used. Any damages that occur are to be paid for when checking out. This includes defacing equipment and buildings, discharging fire extinguishers, destroying or defacing trees, etc.
SHOOTING RANGE - Qualified instructors must supervise all use of shooting ranges by Scouts, Venturers, and Explorers. To qualify, a leader must be at least 21 years of age and hold the appropriate instructor's certificate, .22, shotgun, or blackpowder, from the National Rifle Association. Only Camp furnished rifles and ammunition may be used.
PRESSURIZED FUEL - Leaders must follow the polices set forth in the Guide to Safe Scouting regarding the use of chemical fuels and equipment.
SWIMMING - Swimming is permitted in designated areas. Units are responsible for providing trained supervision as described in BSA Safe Swim Defense.
We reserve the right to refuse property access at the council's discretion.
Year Round Camping Refund Policy: Rental fees are refunded only under extraordinary circumstances - e.g. medical emergencies. Refund requests made less than 2 weeks prior to the reservation are only eligible for a refund of 75% of the total fee. If a refund is sought, the refund request form must be filled out and submitted.
If approved, refunds will be given back the way they were paid. For example, if the troop paid a partial amount for the Scout, then the troop will be refunded their portion and the parent will be refunded the portion they paid.
You will be emailed once your refund has been processed by an employee at the council office.