Making a Reservation
Learn how to select facilities and items, and check out
Creating an Account
How to create an account and set up your profile
Editing Your Roster
How to import a roster, or edit specific people
Access Codes
How to add an access code to your reservation.
Mobile STEM Lab - Monday-Thursday STEM Mobile Lab

Monday through Thursday nights are reserved for those units/entities within 60 miles of the St. Louis metro.   We look to have a minimum of 15 youth.  Siblings and friends of Scouts are encourged to attend your reservation.   Great program for recruitment opportunities! 

STEM Trailer Manager, Joe Shaver


06:00 PM
09:00 PM
Facility Amenities

Camp Use Policy Back to Top

Those persons using camping facilities can help to preserve the properties and Scouting's favorable image by observing the points listed.

LEADERSHIP FOR HIKING AND CAMPING - All groups using our facilities must be supervised by at least two adults, 21 years of age or older. For all Scout groups, leaders must be currently registered in Scouting America.
Co-ed crews or posts must have a male and a female leader both 21 years old or older and approved by the sponsoring institution and the parents of the Explorers or Venturers.
A minimum of 2 youth members and 2 leaders are required for any Scouting activity.

CHECK-IN AND CHECK-OUT - All units must check in and out of camp with either the Camp Director or Camp Ranger on duty, and fill in the attendance blank, which is part of the permit form. A weekend is considered to start at 5:00 p.m. on Friday and end by 4:00 p.m. on Sunday.

FIRES - Build fires in a cleared area and put out all fires with water. Do not dig holes for fires. If rocks are used for fireplaces they must be returned to the edge of the camping area, to provide safety for mowers.

WOOD - Use only dead wood for fires. Do not cut down any trees. Chainsaw use is prohibited.

GARBAGE - TIN CANS, TRASH - bag all unburnables and bring to dumpsters. Do not burn any refuse.

MOTOR VEHICLES - Motor vehicles are to be parked in the areas provided. The speed limit at Beaumont, Lewallen, Warren Levis, Rhodes France, and Pine Ridge is 15 miles per hour and at S bar F the speed limit is 20 miles per hour. Do not drive into camping areas.


  • Firearms
  • Alcoholic beverage
  • Non-medically prescribed drugs
  • Fireworks
  • No open flame lanterns or candles in tents.
  • Pets
  • Bicycles

Violators will be asked to leave the property.

CAMP BOUNDARIES - All Cub Scouts, Scouts, Venturers, and Explorers must stay within the camp's boundaries.

GUESTS - Any arrangements for guests must be approved in advance and noted on your reservation.

CAMP ENTRANCE GATES - Will be locked between 5 p.m. and 8 a.m. Sunday through Thursday.

WATERCRAFT - Persons using watercraft are subject to the Boy Scouts of America Safety Afloat rules. Before making any plans to use either Council canoes or your own boat, contact the Camping Service. Watercraft is restricted to daylight hours. Use of personal watercraft must be approved in advance. Privately owned gas motors are not allowed at S bar F Ranch or Camp Lewallen.

FISHING - Fishing is available to registered members of our council when their stay in camp is directly related to a unit or district outdoor event involving Cub Scouts, Scouts, Venturers, or Explorers. There must be as many Scouts as leaders on fishing trips. All fishing must be done in accordance with the current regulations of the Missouri and/or Illinois Conservation Commissions. The use of live minnows for bait is prohibited on Council owned lakes. For fishing at S bar F Ranch or Camp Lewallen, all personnel between the ages of 16 and 65 must possess a current Missouri State Fishing License.

DAMAGE TO EQUIPMENT AND CABINS - All cabins, campsites, and equipment used by a unit will be inspected by the unit leader and Camp Director or Camp Ranger before being occupied or used. Any damages that occur are to be paid for when checking out. This includes defacing equipment and buildings, discharging fire extinguishers, destroying or defacing trees, etc.

SHOOTING RANGE - Qualified instructors must supervise all use of shooting ranges by Scouts, Venturers, and Explorers. To qualify, a leader must be at least 21 years of age and hold the appropriate instructor's certificate, .22, shotgun, or blackpowder, from the National Rifle Association. Only Camp furnished rifles and ammunition may be used.

PRESSURIZED FUEL - Leaders must follow the polices set forth in the Guide to Safe Scouting regarding the use of chemical fuels and equipment. 

SWIMMING - Swimming is permitted in designated areas. Units are responsible for providing trained supervision as described in BSA Safe Swim Defense. 

We reserve the right to refuse property access at the council's discretion.

Check In Procedure Back to Top

Please pick a time slot in PROGRAM AREA.  Either for a 'Monday through Thursday' choice or a 'Saturday' time slot.     When the next page is prompted, click RESERVE for your choice.    A calendar will pop up and you can pick your time slot and then date.   Click ADD TO CART next.   

The next step is to click on Packages and then hit 'reserve' for each item your unit would like to do.   Please know that all the activities will be wtih the trailer if you would like to have other options.   

From there, all the items will be in your cart and click the shopping cart in the right corner.  When the screen pops up, check your reservation and then hit CONTINUE TO CHECK OUT.  

Please add your unit information at this time.   Hit NEXT, on this screen provided your youth and adult count, and under PLANNED ACTIVITY please list what program features you would like.  Please >>>also state here<<< if your program will be at your unit's location or at Beaumont Scout Reservation.  

Click next, and the following screen will ask for your on site leader information and billing contact information.   >>>For the Primary leader address<<< please list here the address for the site location - not the home address.  (not necessary if going to Beaumont)

Click next and the payment screen will pop up.  And after the that, the reservation process will be done.   An email will be sent to you with the reservation information and account number.

YOUR RESERVATION IS ON HOLD BUT NOT COMPLETE TILL YOU HEAR FROM THE TRAILER MANAGER TO CONFIRM.   They will be in touch with the primary leader two to three weeks out from the chosen date and confirm the details.   

Please help the Trailer manager have a turn around area where they do not need to detach the trailer from the truck.   It will save time for set up and take down.   If you have access to 3-4 tables, the trailer has canopies to place over them.    The trailer is powered by a generator but access to additional outlets is always welcome.    Program materials can also be brought inside your location vs. all outdoors.  Depending on the size of group, rotations of Scouts to experience multiple programs elements is suggested.   Any set up help from adults is welcome.   

Check Out Procedure Back to Top

We ask for assistance from unit leaders to help the Trailer manager pack up the activities after the session ends.   

Cancellation Policy Back to Top




Rental fees are refunded only under extenuating circumstances or severe medical emergencies. Refund requests made less than 30 days prior to the reservation are only eligible for a refund of 75% of the total fee. Refund requests made less than 14 days prior to the reservation are only eligible for a credit toward a future reservation. If a refund is sought, the refund request form must be filled out and submitted. Absolutely no refunds will be approved for no shows.

If approved, refunds will be given back the way they were paid.  For example, if the troop paid a partial amount for the Scout, then the troop will be refunded their portion and the parent will be refunded the portion they paid.

You will be emailed once your refund has been processed by an employee at the council office.