Making a Reservation
Learn how to select facilities and items, and check out
Creating an Account
How to create an account and set up your profile
Editing Your Roster
How to import a roster, or edit specific people
Access Codes
How to add an access code to your reservation.
Camp Eagle - Hardisty Cabin (#2)

Cabin sleeps 12, with chairs and tables for 12 as well. Refrigerator, range, toilet and showers, heat, A/C and running water year-round.

12:00 PM
11:00 AM

Facility Amenities

Camp Use Policy Back to Top
  1. Reservations
    • Accepted on a first come, first-served basis.
    • All reservations must be pre-paid for any facilities used.
    • Reservations for campsites/non-building will be paid on a per-person basis, at arrival.
  2. Cancellations
    • Fees are non-refundable.
    • No-shows forfeit all fees paid or will be invoiced for fees not yet paid.
  3. Leadership:  Two-deep leadership is required for any outing, regardless of whether it is on or off Council-owned property, or regular meeting locations. All registered adult leaders must have completed Youth Protection Training. At least 2 adults must accompany all youth groups and be in attendance at all times during their stay. One adult must be at least 21 years of age; the second must be at least 18 years of age. For Scout groups, at least one adult must be registered with the BSA and be Youth Protection Trained, the other may be a parent.
  4. Health & Accident Insurance:  The Mid-America Council has purchased the National BSA Council Accident & Sickness Plan, which covers Mid-America Council registered Pack, Troop and/or Crew members for both accident and illnesses; which manifest themselves during participation in Boy Scout activities. All other groups/individuals reserving camp will not be covered by this plan.
  5. Liability Insurance:  Non-BSA groups must provide a certificate of liability insurance with policy limits of at least one million dollars ($1,000,000), naming the Mid-America Council and the BSA as a co-insured.
  6. Hold-Harmless:  For non-Scout groups, I understand that participation in camping activities involve certain degrees of risk. I have carefully considered the risk involved and have given consent for myself and/or my child to participate in these activities. I understand that participation in these activities is entirely voluntary and requires participants to abide by applicable rules and standards of conduct. I release, hold harmless and agree to indemnify the Boy Scouts of America, the local council, the activity coordinators and all employees, volunteers, related parties or other organizations associated with the activity from any and all claims or liability arising out of this participation. I have required the participants in my group to agree to these standards as well.
  7. Restricted Activities:  No alcohol, illegal drugs, firearms, fireworks or pets are allowed on Mid-America Council Camp properties. Snowmobiles, motorcycles and horseback riding are not permitted. Individuals or groups in violation may be asked to leave camp without refund of fees. A camping area is designated by a latrine and a fire ring. Camping is permitted only in camping areas. Fires of any kind are permitted only inside a fire ring.
  8. Smoking:  Smoking is prohibited at our camps.  This includes vaping and other tobacco products.
  9. Motorized Vehicles:  All motorized vehicles must remain on designated camp roads, parking only in designated areas, and are subject to other restrictions due to season or activity.  Personal ATVs, golf carts, and motorized scooters are not permitted on camp property.
  10. Firewood:  To help prevent the spread of invasive species, specifically Emerald Ash Borer, outside firewood is not permitted at our camps.  Each camp has plenty of firewood available at no cost.
  11. Pets:  Pets are prohibited and should not be brought to camp.
  12. Fishing:  Fishing is available, and abundant, at the lakefronts at Camp Cedars, Camp Eagle, and Little Sioux Scout Ranch.  Fishing permits are not necessary while staying in camp.  Catch & release regulations will follow those set by Nebraska Game & Parks (for Camps Cedars and Eagle) and Iowa Department of Natural Resources (for Little Sioux Scout Ranch).
  13. Personal equipment (electronics, program equipment, etc.) should be in good working coniditon and is the owner's responsibility. Valuables should be kept at home or locked in a vehicle when possible. 
  14. Damages and Clean-up:  The unit or organization is responsible for all clean up and damages. Repairs and necessary cleaning will be charged to the unit. Report all needed repairs to the Ranger immediately.
  15. Building Usage:  Camping/sleeping in buildings, not intended for that purpose, is not permitted.
  16. Check-in/Check-out:  All units must check-in and out with the Camp Ranger or Campmaster. Daily use of facilities are from 4pm of the day of rental to 11am the following day.  Weekend check-in is after 4pm on Friday afternoon, and checkout before 11am on Sundays. Some program facilities may have specific check-in/out times based on your reservation.
  17. Annual Health & Medical Records:  All units must be in possession of medical forms for each of their youth and adults on site for any amount of time.  For day use or weekend camping, only parts A & B are necessary to have for each person.
  18. Aquatics Program Rentals:  Reserving groups must use Cedars lifeguard staff when renting the pool. Adults can be trained in Safe Swim Defense to help the lifeguard at the pool. Adults must be trained with Safety Afloat to utilize the boating at the lake. These training are found at Safety Afloat and Safe Swim Defense Plans must be used and certified aquatics personnel must be in attendance for this activity. For swimming and boating activities, both must be supervised by a mature and conscientious adult age 21 or older who understands and knowingly accepts responsibility for the well-being and safety of youth members in his or her care. Per BSA aquatics guidelines, each swimming activity must have at least one lookout, one supervisor, and 1 lifeguard per each 10 swimmers or part thereof. For watercraft activities, a minimum of at least one lookout, one supervisor, and two lifeguards are required.

Non-adherance to any of the above camp policies may result in the dismissal of the entire group by the Camp Ranger or designee.

Check In Procedure Back to Top

All units must check-in with Camp Ranger Robert Cook at 402-452-7115 or Camp Ranger Noah Morocco at 402-541-6575 or Campmasters upon arrival at camp.

Check Out Procedure Back to Top

All units must check-in with Camp Ranger Robert Cook at 402-452-7115 or Camp Ranger Noah Morocco at 402-541-6575 or Campmasters upon arrival at camp.

Cancellation Policy Back to Top


  • No-shows forfeit all fees paid or will be invoiced for any fees not yet paid.
  • Reservations may be rescheduled once if notified more than 2 weeks in advance.  Rescheduled dates must be within 12 months of original reservation.
  • Cancel 45 days or more prior to the start of the reservation = 25% cancellation fee
  • Weather related cancellations = 50% cancellation fee or move reservation to another date within 12 months of original date. New reservation date must be chosen within 5 business days from original date.
  • Full refunds will only be granted in the event of the camp being closed for any reason.
  • Any refundable amount will be deposited to the unit deposit account (UDA)
  • All fees are non-refundable besides those listed in the circumstances above.
Cleaning Policy Back to Top

Damages and Clean-up

A Scout is clean and respectful.  Facilities used at camp should be left as they were found or better.  Your group is responsible, and will be charged, for any damages.  Report all needed repairs to the Camp Ranger or Campmaster immediately.