Reserving the ranges is on a first-come-first-served basis. Reservations must be done at least 30 days in advance of your campout.
To reserve the ranges at Camp, your unit must do the following:
1. Have an overnight reservation for camping at this property during your requested range time.
2. Have 2 Certified GTC-trained Rangemasters for each range you plan to run at a time.
3. Contact GTC Office at 330-773-0415 to confirm availability. (You will provide names of Trained Rangemasters at this time)
Rental is in 3 hour blocks.
You must verify all training certifications with the Campmaster Staff upon your arrival at camp and before any equipment will be released.
48 | Capacity |
We will have on site during our shooting activity properly trained and certified personnel in accordance with camp policies, Guide to Safe Scouting, and the National Shooting Sports Manual. Training certifications must be on file at the GTC office and provided to the Campmaster at camp prior to use.
You must provide your own "standard (bull's eye)" targets.
I understand I will need a member of the unit key 3 to print out a roster from and bring it with me (including first and last names of all unit members) with leaders and scouts highlighted of who is attending.
To review the complete list and print it out for your reference while at camp, visit (Click Here).
Camp Rules
Please scroll down and review this entire section
1. All injuries must be reported to the Administration Building (Camp Manatoc), Directors Cabin (Camp Butler), or Eagle Lodge (Camp Stambaugh) and appropriate forms completed.
2. If you call 911 from a cell phone regarding an accident, please call the campmaster on duty at 330-657-2592 (Manatoc), 330-657-2422 (Butler), or 330-533-4538 (Camp Stambaugh), or send a runner to the Manatoc Administration Building, the Butler Director’s Cabin or Eagle Lodge (Camp Stambaugh) so the campmaster can meet the rescue squad and direct them to the proper location. This will supply the campmaster with initial information concerning the accident.
3. NO liquid fuel (i.e. white gas, kerosene, etc.) or propane tanks larger than one pound are permitted in buildings for cooking purposes. Only camp stoves are permitted in buildings for cooking purposes.
4. NO heaters of any kind permitted in buildings.
5. Keep fires to a minimum.
6. Alcohol or fireworks are prohibited on the Manatoc Scout Reservation.
7. Riding in the bed of a truck or trailer on camp property is prohibited.
8. Sheath knives prohibited.
9. Keep off all roofs.
10. NO pets allowed on GTC Properties.
11. Smoking in buildings or in front of youth is prohibited.
12. Building bed capacity MUST be adhered to. Extra cots or mattresses are not permitted.
13. Males & Females are required to use separate sleeping quarters.
14. Weekend camping is not available during June, July, or August at the Manatoc Scout Reservation.
15. Climbing towers and walls at Manatoc are off limits unless properly supervised (by GTC program staff).
16. Tent camping is not permitted on the activity field at Butler or the parade fields at allcamps.
17. All vehicles must be parked in a parking lot.
19. Fishing from shoreline only.
20. 11:00 p.m. curfew. Must be in campsite after this time.
21. Any damages to facilities will be charged accordingly.
To review the complete list and print it out for your reference while at camp, visit (Click Here).
Unit Check-In REQUIRED at the Administration Building
No funds will be refunded or credited within 14 days of the activity date.
Any facility (building / council ring / range / firearm / tent site) left in a condition requiring additional cleaning after your departure will result in a cleaning fee proportional with the amount of time invested being charged to your account. Prior to your next use of our facility, this debit would need to be satisfied.