Making a Reservation
Learn how to select facilities and items, and check out
Creating an Account
How to create an account and set up your profile
Editing Your Roster
How to import a roster, or edit specific people
Access Codes
How to add an access code to your reservation.
Hills and Hollows - Training Pavilion 5PM to 5PM

Notice: This facility is only available to members of the following unit types: Crew, Group, Pack, Post, Ship, Troop

To rent Saturday until 5 PM reserve Friday (5PM Friday to 5 PM Saturday). Each day is from 5 PM to 5 PM the next day. The pavilion is often reserved with the "Pavilion HQ Campsite," the lawn area surrounding the pavilion.

****At this time we have NO water and are working with the City of Denton to tie into the main water line. 


05:00 PM
05:00 PM

Co-Ed Friendly
Handicap Friendly
Facility Amenities

Camp Use Policy Back to Top


Camp Hours:

Gates are open from 7:00am to 10:00pm Friday and Saturday and 7:00am to 2:00pm on Sunday. Some programs (climbing, COPE, shooting) may end later on Sundays. All units and events, including training courses, must check in & out with Camp Ranger or Campmaster.


Water is available at all camps year-round (except Shuler). Water is available in winter at a central source. Water is turned off in campsites and buildings from Nov.1 to April 1.


Two registered adult leaders are required at all times, Youth Protection certified, and 21 years of age or older.  New leaders are required to take Youth Protection training before submitting an application for registration.  The BSA’s Youth Protection training has been in existence long enough for it to be understood and accepted as a mandated training for ALL registered and new BSA adult volunteers.  Youth Protection training must be taken every two years.

Co-ed leadership is required for co-ed camping. Cub Scout camping is NOT allowed unless a BALOO-trained leader is present at all times. For Webelos dens, a parent must accompany the Webelos Scout on the campout. If a parent cannot attend, arrangements must be made by the boy’s family for another youth’s parent (but not the Webelos leader) or another adult relative or friend to substitute.

The leader in charge assumes responsibility of confining the group to their own campsite and preventing noise or activity that might disturb the sleep of other campers between the hours of 10:00pm and 7:00am.

Tent Platforms:

Tent Platforms are for SUMMER CAMP TENTS ONLY. Due to the large amount of damage to platforms done by units moving and using tent platforms in the offseason, tent platforms may not longer be used for weekend camping. Anyone using, moving, or damaging summer camp tent platforms may be sent home by the camp ranger.


The Law of the camp is “The Scout Law”. Camping may be done only on established sites assigned in the reservation. Respect other unit’s campsites. Fires must be built in areas provided and must kept under constant supervision. Be prepared to furnish your own fire building material. Cooking with charcoal may be necessary at some locations. Check with Camping Registrar.

Male and female leaders require separate sleeping facilities. Married couples may share the same quarters if appropriate facilities are available.  Male and female youth will not share the same sleeping facility. No youth will stay in the tent of an adult other their parent or guardian.

Campers must stay on camp property at all times. Notify the Camp Ranger or Campmaster when leaving the campsite for an extended period of time. Report all substantial injuries to the Camp Ranger or Campmaster.


Obey the posted speed limit. Rangers Are Authorized To Remove Speeders And Off-Road Drivers From Camps. Absolutely no riding in the back of pickup trucks. BSA policy absolutely prohibits ANYONE from riding in the back of a pickup truck while engaged in Scouting activities or on BSA camp property. Camp speed limits are 25 mph on main roads and 10 mph in ALL main camp areas.

OFF-Road Driving:

Do NOT drive off of the camp roads without permission from the camp ranger.  Anyone driving off-road at a camp without advance permission from the Camp Ranger will be removed from the camp and lose their privilege to use camps.


Vehicles may NOT be parked in campsites. Unit equipment trailers may be dropped & parked with tongues touching edge of road at campsites. vehicles must be parked in the designated parking areas. The Camp Ranger may permit vehicles at the campsites for unloading; once unloaded all vehicles must be returned to the parking lot immediately.


Units are responsible for the success of their weekend through advanced planning. Field sports (rifles, shotguns, archery, BBs) aquatics, rock climbing, and Tower programs must follow BSA and Longhorn Council policies using qualified and certified leadership. List certified people and expiration dates on application. Be prepared to show your required certification cards to the camp ranger. Kayking and canoeing activities must use Safe Swim Defense and Safety Afloat guidelines. COPE, SR2 Trail Building require staff availability before a reservation can be confirmed.


Units are encouraged to complete a conservation project. Protect wildflowers and wildlife. Do not cut, blaze or trim live trees. Dead trees may be cut ONLY with the permission of the Camp Ranger or Campmaster. Pioneering poles may NEVER be cut. Cutting of trees to make new pioneering poles may only be done with specific permission of the Camp Ranger and must be turned in after use.


Swimming may be done only under the BSA Safe Swim Defense Plan. Boating may only be done under the BSA Safety Afloat Plan. The Camp Ranger must see and approve your current certification cards. Please list certified people and expiration dates on this application. NOTE: Pools at Worth Ranch & SR2 are available ONLY during summer camp.

Do Not Bring:

Alcoholic beverages, illegal substances, fireworks, dogs or pets of any kind, firearms, ammunition or archery equipment. Do not bring anyone riding in the back of a pickup truck.


General Boy Scout camping rules apply. Please follow Leave No Trace camping rules wherever possible. Keep campsites neat and clean. To prevent erosion damage, do not rake areas, clear underbrush, or otherwise alter the natural terrain. Leave grounds, building(s) and equipment in good condition. Do not bury trash.


The camps do not have dumpsters available for weekend camping use. Units must pack out all trash and garbage for proper disposal. Do not put trash in latrines. Anyone dumping trash in latrines will lose their camping privileges at Longhorn Council camps.

**Rentals and Fees:

Requests and fee payments for rental facilities and equipment must be made in advance on the Weekend Camping online reservation system or using the paper Weekend Camping application form.

**Building rentals:  must be paid in advance.

**Equipment fees:  must be paid in advance. Fees for additional persons not on the original reservation may be paid to Camp Ranger at time of use. Additional equipment may be rented only if it is available.

Damage: to any property, equipment, boats, guns, bows, buildings, etc. will be charged to the person or unit responsible.

Shotguns: The camps will provide shotguns,shells and throwers. Units and NRA instructors doing shotgun programs must provide their own clay pigeons. 

Climbing Equipment: must be properly stored and inventoried after use. Rope logs must be filled out. Units which fail to properly inventory and store equipment or fill out climbing rope logs will lose climbing gear privileges.

Check In Procedure Back to Top

Check-in is self check-in or check-in with the volunteer campmaster.

Check Out Procedure Back to Top

Check-in is self check-in or check-in with the volunteer campmaster. Please be sure to leave the camp better than you found it. 

Cancellation Policy Back to Top

Refund of fees, outside of a deposit, will be processed on a sliding scale according to the following guidelines:

Requests received 30 or more days before the event – you will receive 100% of the total event fee, less the non-refundable processing fee.

Requests received 15-29 days before the event – you will receive 50% of the total event fee, less the non-refundable processing fee.

Requests received within 14 days of the day of the event – No refund will be issued, except in the event of a documented medical reason (doctor’s note required), a death in the immediate family, or a natural disaster.

For events where you register as a unit, registrations are transferrable within the same unit to a Scout or adult leader not currently registered for the activity changes. 

Cleaning Policy Back to Top

All units using Longhorn Council camps must follow Leave No Trace policies with camping.

All units are required to police and clean their areas before leaving camp.

All units must pack in pack out their trash when leaving camp. Dumpsters are for Camp Ranger use only.