Located just north of Tucson in the Santa Catalina Mountains, Camp Lawton is an ideal getaway from the heat of Arizona.
Camp Lawton is located near the Palisades area on Mt. Lemmon. The location of Camp Lawton is 12900 Organization Ridge Road, Mt. Lemmon 85619.
08:00 AM
10:00 PM
05:00 PM
12:00 PM
Catalina Council Camp Rules
The Properties and facilities of Catalina Council are maintained for the purpose of giving Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Venturers an experience in camping and enjoyment of the outdoors. The Code of Conduct shall be the Scout Oath, the Scout Law, the Outdoor Code, the Guide to Safe Scouting, and the principles of Leave No Trace. The following rules apply to everyone using Catalina Council properties and facilities.Failure to comply with any rules or failure to comply with the directions of the Ranger or Campmaster can result in being asked to leave the property and possible suspension of privileges. In accordance to the Guide to Safe Scouting (GSS), Two-Deep Leadership will be maintained at all times. Co-ed units will maintain co-ed Two-Deep Leadership.
●The consumption, possession or use of alcohol in any form, and all controlled or illegal substances while on Catalina Council property is not permitted. Those suspected of using alcohol or drugs on Council property or under the influence will be asked to leave the property.
●Smoking is not allowed in any Council owned buildings or on Council camps. The only “smoking areas” on Camp Lawton or Double V Scout Reservation are in the parking lots. Those found smoking anywhere else can be asked to leave the property.
●No firearms, bows and arrows, wrist rockets, slingshots, blow-guns, airsoft guns or paintball guns are allowed in the possession of any camper. No ammunition or fireworks of any kind are permitted on Council property.
●No pets of any kind are allowed at Council camps except service animals. This is expressly meant to include parents picking their children up from activities. In any case all applicable leash and other laws regarding pets will be adhered to.
●T-shirts, caps, or other articles of clothing should not violate the Scout Oath and Law (i.e.depicting alcohol, drugs, tobacco products, or vulgar language are prohibited). This applies to ALL users.
●Under no circumstances will any fence, gate, or logs be removed to allow vehicular or foot traffic.Violators will be asked to leave the property.
●All privately owned vehicles are to be parked in the camp parking lots and backed in to facilitate orderly evacuation should the need arise.When the Forest Service closes Organizational Ridge Road the only parking lot will be the main lot.
●Vehicles will not be allowed in campsites or “down to the dining hall”. Exceptions can be made at the discretion of the Council Ranger, Campmaster or Caretaker for unloading food or other large equipment at the kitchen. Only one vehicle will be allowed and must be promptly removed to the parking lot upon unloading.
●No vehicle shall carry passengers except in a seat with a seatbelt. No passengers shall ride in the beds of trucks, in the back of SUVs, on running boards, or on trailers.
●The maximum speed limit at Double V Scout Reservation is 15 MPH (or slower if dust is being raised). The maximum speed at Camp Lawton is 5 MPH.
●The only All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) authorized for use on Catalina Council properties are those owed by the Council for program use. The only exception to this rule is the golf carts, quad, and four-wheeled side-by-side used by the Council Rangers or Campmasters.
●Campers and RVs are not permitted in campsites. They may be parked in parking lots only.
●Campfires are only permitted in established fire rings or fireplaces and must be of reasonable size and be dead out at time of departure. Only dead and down wood may be collected for burning. No trees should be cut down or have limbs removed.
●All buildings are off limits (other than those properly reserved) without permission of the Camp Ranger, Campmaster or Caretaker.
●The Dining Hall at Camp Lawton may not be used for camping or sleeping.
●Kitchen facilities can be used only with prior permission, a reservation, and proper supervision.The Camp Ranger, Campmaster or Caretaker will determine proper supervision.
●Our camps enjoy a great variety of wildlife. At Camp Lawton there are turkeys, white tail deer,ringtails, squirrels, skunks, and the occasional mountain lion or bear (although not in several years). At Double V there are mule deer, javalina, coyotes, bobcats and many, many snakes including several varieties of rattlesnakes. All campers should make every effort to avoid contact with wildlife. In no case should any animal be disturbed in any way. Should a snake been countered contact the Ranger and he will make any decisions concerning the animal.
The Council Ranger is an employee of Catalina Council charged with maintaining our camps and facilities. The Ranger is available to lend assistance to your unit in many areas.Get to know the Ranger –you will find that cooperation will provide many benefits.As conditions warrant, the Ranger has the right and authority to impose additional camp rules, as he deems necessary. All users must follow the Ranger’s use of camp or they will be asked to leave. Any issues that arise during your stay should be handled through the Ranger or Campmaster. Please report any damage to facilities or vandalism promptly.
Campmasters are representatives of Catalina Council and are charged with the responsibility of supervising the property. They assist the Ranger and have the authority to enforce the camp rules and regulations. Camp Lawton also has a year round Caretaker who is at camp during the week.I have read the application form and camp use policy and will agree to follow all Catalina Council Camp rules and safety procedures.
Rental of cabins is for 8 people max. Only the rental of an upper cabin allows use of the Kamper Kitchen and Staff Hill Restrooms/Showers.
A volunteer Campmaster or Care taker is usually scheduled to be at camp most of the year. The Campmaster is the unit’s connection on weekends for the camp. He/she can help with questions concerning camp and check-in/check-out of camp during the weekend. Check-in will take place upon your arrival at camp (arrival time begins at 5pm).Your unit needs to check in with the Campmaster (signs posted) and/or Camp Ranger. During check-in the Campmaster/Ranger will check your cabin/site prior to your use and make any notes about noticeable issues at this time. Check out happens prior to your departure from camp. The Campmaster and/or Ranger will conduct check out. During checkout the Campmaster/Ranger will check the cleanliness of the cabin/site your unit used and compare it with the check in log. Damages will be charged to the unit by written notice from the Council Service Center via their unit account or invoiced at a later date. The Camp Ranger will determine the dollar amount of damage. Failure to checkout will result in a $100 fee.
Water is turned off (tentatively) from October 1st through April 30th. The dates may change based on the weather, but once the water is turned off, it will not be turned on until conditions permit. There is an all-weather tap in front of the Dining Hall.
The flush toilets in the lower camp are turned off during the winter as well. They are unavailable from tentatively) from October 1st through April 30th. The dates may change based on the weather, but once the water is turned off, it will not be turned on until conditions permit.
The kitchen is not available between October 1st through April 30th due to the status of water in the buildings. These dates may changes depending on the weather conditions at Camp. Kitchen rentals do not include utensils, plates, cups, paper products, cleaning products etc. All groups need to bring their own items.
Camp Lawton is a pack-it-in/pack-it-out camp. All trash is to be removed from Camp Lawton by the users. Do not leave trash in campsites, in program areas, in cabins, or near the dumpsters.
A volunteer Campmaster or Care taker is usually scheduled to be at camp most of the year. The Campmaster is the unit’s connection on weekends for the camp.
He/she can help with questions concerning camp and check-in/check-out of camp during the weekend.
Check-in will take place upon your arrival at camp (arrival time begins at 5pm).Your unit needs to check in with the Campmaster (signs posted) and/or Camp Ranger.
Check out happens prior to your departure from camp. The Campmaster and/or Ranger will conduct check out. During checkout the Campmaster/Ranger will check the cleanliness of the cabin/site your unit used and compare it with the check in log.
Damages will be charged to the unit by written notice from the Council Service Center via their unit account or invoiced at a later date. The Camp Ranger will determine the dollar amount of damage.
Failure to checkout will result in a $100 fee.
Cancellation Policy: If you must cancel your reservation, our policy is to issue a customer credit that may be used for the future reservation.
***All refund requests due to cancellations, MUST be emailed to catalina.council@scouting.org at least 14 days prior to the arrival date of your event to be considered for refund. Otherwise, no refund will be given.***
We ask that you clean up the facilities prior to your departure. Thank you for your assistance.