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Ben Delatour Scout Ranch

September Through May Use
During the September through May time period some special activities may be scheduled. Depending on the activity, it may be a pack/troop/crew activity or an activity for individual youth and/or adults.

Winter Use

The Scout Ranch is a great place to camp during the winter months, but winter camping precautions found in the Guide to Safe Scouting must be followed. Remember, the Scout Ranch is at an altitude between 7,000 and 8,300 feet. In the winter months it can get really cold (lowest recorded is minus 40 degrees!). It can get really windy with gusts over 50 miles per hour. It can snow a great deal (5.5 feet recorded in one storm in March 2003 and 13 feet in one December storm in 1916!) , or the wind can blow all the snow to Kansas. It can get really dry, even with temperatures below freezing. Always check a weather forecast for the northern Colorado mountains before your departure. It can be sunny on the flat plains and snowing in the mountains, or reverse! Winter activities could include: snow shoeing, cross-country skiing, snow caving, animal tracking, sledding, wildlife watching, orienteering, and star gazing. Please stay off of all bodies of water during the winter. The lakes and ponds tend to drain out during the winter, and the ice cover, with too much weight, can break and fall into a deep hole.

General Use Information

Camp areas at the Ben Delatour Scout Ranch of the Adventure West Council are available for Cub Scout Packs, Scouts BSA, Venture Crews, Districts, and Council uses. During June, July, and a portion of August facilities come under the summer camp operations directive and may not be available to individual units. Units need to check with the Farr Service Center in Greeley for availability status. Please note the following:

  • All trash/garbage must be packed out and taken home. There is limited and expensive trash service at the Scout Ranch. District events desiring trash service can make arrangements for paying for this service.
  • The latrines are not stocked with toilet paper. Please bring your own paper.
  • At times a fire ban will be in effect. This depends on weather conditions, when the last rain fall was recorded, and government directives.
  • Please park vehicles properly! Protect the fragile meadows by keeping vehicles off them. Park in designated parking areas only, and not in the campsites. Do not block roads.
  • Do not cut trees. There is plenty of downed firewood available. Only authorized persons may use chainsaws.
  • Keep out of restricted areas: COPE Courses, Pancake Climbing Base, Shooting ranges, water treatment plant, etc.
  • Locked buildings and gates are locked for a reason. Please respect this, and do not tamper with them.
  • Please see that campers use designated campsites only!
  • Latrines have a purpose. Please see that Scouts and adults use them!
  • No pets (dogs, cats or otherwise) are allowed in any of the Adventure West Council Camps.
  • Everyone must check in and check out wit the Camp Ranger.

Camp Demming Area

The Camp Demming Area is located about one half mile past the Boy Scout Camps entrance gate on County Road 68C. It is on the north side of the road. Vehicle access is restricted to just inside of the gate, and camping areas are accessible by foot. The Camp Demming Area is a part of the BDSR “backcountry” where fires are prohibited. Cooking must be done using stoves. Districts planning to use the Camp Demming Area must also arrange for “porta-johns” as latrines are not available. Water is not available in this area, but depending on water supply conditions, it may be possible for the BDSR Ranger to provide a water truck. Please contact him at least two weeks prior to any event.

Unit Camp Program

When a Scout unit attends a camping weekend they are required to have a planned program. The adult and youth leadership must sit down and plan out the activities, meals, chapel services, games, training, etc. for the weekend. This is only mentioned because time and time again Scout units arrive in camp, and they just let their members wildly roam about and do whatever they please without supervision. This can be real trouble, and an accident waiting to happen. Adults must be in control, and supervise with responsibility.

Water Availability

Water is a rare commodity at the Scout Ranch. From about September 15th to June 1st of each year water systems are not available. In Camp Jeffrey the summer water comes from the Elkhorn Creek, and goes through a licensed treatment plant. This system and plant are not “winterized”. In Soaring Eagle a spring feeds the water system, and it normally dries up by August 1st. This system is not winterized. Camp Nicol’s water is from a poor 1,000 foot well, and this system is not winterized. The Elkhorn Base water is from a spring near the base, and this system is not winterized. The Family Camp water comes from the same spring that waters Soaring Eagle. Why aren’t systems winterized? The Scout Ranch is in the Rocky Mountains where water lines must be at least three to four feet below ground to keep them from freezing in winter temperatures that have been recorded as low as minus 40 degrees. To dig this deep in solid rock is simply beyond the council’s financial means. All Scout groups using the Scout Ranch in the early fall need to check before arrival on water conditions to see if a source is still available. All should plan to bring sufficient quantities for drinking and washing needs during their stay.


All overnight buildings are lighted with electric lights. When not in use all lights must be turned off. Limited outlets are available in most buildings. The recent Boulder Rotary Lodge remodel has improved electrical service in this facility. As funding allows, other buildings will have their electric service upgraded.


Cooking at the Scout Ranch must be accomplished OUTDOORS. Cooking of any kind is not allowed inside of the following structures: KOLA Lodge, Boulder Rotary Lodge, Nuzum Shelter, or the Ruth Coffin Shelter. Please use the grills and fire rings provided outside. The above listed buildings are not insured against loss due to cooking fires.


Several trails cross the Scout Ranch, and users should obtain a Scout Ranch Map (from the Farr Service Center in Greeley) prior to their arrival. The Gregg Boundary Trail makes a circle around the Scout Ranch, and is about 12 miles in length. It is marked with orange colored diamond markers. Request a BDSR Trail Guide brochure for additional trail routing information.

Backcountry Camping

Backcountry camping is allowed at the Scout Ranch. Leave No Trace Camping rules must be followed. The Camp Ranger, or Campmaster, must be notified of overnight campsite locations and routing upon a unit’s arrival. No camping within 300 feet of the Elkhorn Creek is allowed. Only stoves are allowed – NO FIRES!


During the non-summer months communications at the Scout Ranch are limited. With few exceptions, cellular telephones do not work. An emergency telephone is located on the porch of Lyons lodge, east side of the road just past the main camp entrance. In all emergency situations the Scout Ranch Ranger should be contacted at his work area or at his home on the west side just inside the main gate..

Outpost Camp Area

The Outpost Camp Area is accessed at a gate across from the Elkhorn High Adventure Base on County Road 68C. A parking lot just inside of the gate means that access to campsites will be on foot. This area is frequently used for district camporees, and can accommodate several hundred campers. The Out Post Camp is a part of the BDSR “backcountry”, and this means that fires are not allowed. Cooking must be done using stoves.Districts planning to use the Out Post Camp Area must also arrange for “porta-johns” as latrines are not available. Water is not available in this area, but depending on water supply conditions, it may be possible for the BDSR Ranger to provide a water truck. Please contact him at least two weeks prior to any event.


Fishing is available all year round. Weaver Lake on the road into camp is stocked at the beginning of the summer, but it is also fished hard all summer long. A license is not needed at Weaver Lake. The Elkhorn Creek can have some fine fishing spots, but the recent drought years have been really hard on fish, and few may be found. A state of Colorado Fishing License is required for creek fishing.

Conservation Projects

Many groups using the Scout Ranch desire to do a conservation project. With a minimum of three hours service Scouts can earn the current year’s Project SOAR patch. Find out all about this award on the Project SOAR page.

Conservation projects must be approved in advance by the BDSR Conservation Chair, Camp Ranger or Council Program Director.

Weekend Use of Shooting Sports Ranges

Groups (with qualified/certified supervision) may reserve the shooting ranges at BDSR for weekend use. Any use must be approved by Council. Please contact the Greeley office for more information.


Wildlife is everywhere at the Scout Ranch. Black bears are normally active from early spring through late fall. They want food, and have broken out vehicle windows to get at a promising smell. Around November 1st until late spring a herd of up to 200 elk may be found grazing in meadows. Mountain lions and coyotes are active all year long as they hunt for mule deer and other tasty dishes. Ticks normally come out in early March, peak in June, and then lessen through the rest of the warm weather. Mosquitoes, and their potential West Nile Virus, come out as things warm up – especially around bodies of water – and last until the first heavy frost usually in September. Rattlesnakes can be found once spring arrives. Watch for them in rocky areas where they sun and hide in the crevices.

Mule Deer Are A Common Sight

All wildlife should be left alone. The Scout Ranch is a non-hunting area, and it is requested that all violations of this policy be reported to the Scout Ranch Ranger. Please do not feed or harass the wildlife!

Domestic Animals

During the summer and autumn months cattle can be found grazing on the Scout Ranch. The cattle belong to a contracted grazer who pays the council for right to the grass. The grazing cattle in turn keep the long grass cut down, provide some soil nutrients, and lessen potential fire danger. Cattle are not to be harassed, driven, or bothered in any manner. Injury or death to any animal will become a legal matter between the grazer and those involved.Other domestic pets – dogs, cats, ferrets, whatever – are not allowed on the Scout Ranch. Exceptions are for those individuals requiring a seeing eye dog, and for dogs performing a specific duty such as a search and rescue dog.

Closed Dates

There are times during the year when the Scout Ranch is closed to all use. These dates are – for the most part – based on the policy that the Scout Ranch Ranger must be on site when campers or day users are on the property, and the fact that the Scout Ranch Ranger is required by employment contract to have holidays off work. Most of these dates between September and May will be holidays, days when the Scout Ranch Ranger is on vacation, or days when a council or other activity require facility full use. These dates usually include:

New Years Eve and Day
Martin Luther King Day Weekend
Presidents Day Weekend
Easter Weekend
Memorial Day Weekend
Labor Day Weekend
Order of the Arrow Fall Fellowship
Thanksgiving Day & Weekend
Christmas Day




Snow Removal Policy

During the winter months every effort will be made to remove snow to keep BDSR roadways open so campers can access cabins and campsites. However, during heavy snow times access may only be available to selected locations that may include: the main parking lot, Coral Rock Lodge, or the KOLA Lodge area. The Scout Ranch Ranger will do his utmost to keep roads clear, but he is directed not to spend his entire week plowing snow and using up expensive fuel just to save a few hearty Scouts from a good invigorating hike.

Reservation Requirements

Prior to making a reservation the following requirements must be met:

Provide proof of a certified/trained adult first aider to be in attendance with the group or Scout unit.
Provide proof of a trained BSA Youth Protection Trained adult leader to be with the group or Scout unit.

Reservation Procedure

See our Year-round Camp Reservations page for information on fees and how to make reservations.It is the policy of Adventure West Council that reservations are made on a “first come – first served basis”. District or council events may not “bump” another district or council event or a unit from a reservation.

Can a pack or troop or crew reserve the entire Scout Ranch? The answer is simply “no”. You may have a very large group, and you may take up a great deal of space, but outside of summer camp programs no one gets to use the entire property. In recent years we have had as many as 1,500 campers in several different programs on the same weekend, and it was not crowded!

Directions to Camp

2331 County Road 68C, Red Feather Lakes, CO 80545

Lat / Lon

Looking for something more specific?

How about 40.75144299999999,-105.50205499999

How to Get to Ben Delatour Scout Ranch Driving Directions:

Interstate – 25 North to Wellington, Colorado.

Turn off at exit 281, Owl Canyon Road.

Turn left on Owl Canyon.

Follow until you come to a roundabout.

Take the first road north off the roundabout and follow it until it T’s onto State road 287.

Turn RIGHT onto US-287 and follow it until you see “The Forks” (has a very large American flag).

This is 74E Turn SLIGHT LEFT onto CR74E / REDFEATHER LAKES RD (known as the Forks).

Continue to follow CR-74E / REDFEATHER LAKES RD. (16.1 Miles)

Turn LEFT onto CR-68C / BOY SCOUT RD - Portions unpaved. (2.4 Miles) to main gate 

2331 County Road 68C
Red Feather Lakes, Colorado 80545

View in Google

08:00 AM
11:00 PM

12:05 PM
10:00 AM

Staff Cabin

Camp Use Policy Back to Top

Camp Facilities and Regulations

Each camp has great facilities and unique regulations. Learn about the camps, what facilities are available, and what is required of you. Review the General Regulations that apply to all facilities then read about the regulations for the camp you are interested in.

General Regulations

If you decide NOT to attend camp on your reservation date, please call to cancel your reservation:

For all camps call: The Adventure West Council office at 970 584-2202
(see refund policy on this page)

Reservations may be made only in proportion to campers attending and facility desired. Example: a unit of 10 campers may reserve the BDSR Coffin Shelter but not all of Soaring Eagle.
All Scout Units and other groups must have a First Aid and CPR certified adult leader in attendance at all times.
All Cub Scout Packs & Dens must have a BALOO trained adult in attendance at all times.
A minimum of two adults, one registered with the BSA, must be in attendance at all times. One adult must be 21 or older and the other must be 18 or older. All adults must be currently certified in Youth Protection.

CLP, Camp Patiya and Chimney Park: All U.S. Forest Service Regulations are to be followed. Please respect winter cross-country ski trails as skis only!

The camps are NO SMOKING facilities. The designated smoking area is the parking lot.

Fires must be built only in fireplaces or designated fire rings/pits at existing campsites.
Firewood is not always available. Units should plan on bringing their firewood.
Fires are banned from the backcountry – including Camp Demming and the Outpost Camp at BDSR. Cooking stoves must be used.
No cooking inside cabins.
Fires are not to be left unattended and fires must be put out before departure.
Observe all fire bans.

Please – no branding of walls, ceilings, etc.
Alcohol and illegal drugs are not permitted.
No paintball activities.
All trash and garbage must be packed out. Please bring your own trash bags.
Vehicles of all types and sizes are not permitted off improved roads and parking areas.
ATV’s and ORV’s are not permited.

Bicycles are not permitted on BDSR property.
At CLP, Patiya and Chimney Park: Bicycles are to remain on existing roads and trails designated for bicycle travel. All riders must wear helmets.

No cutting of trees, dead, alive or marked is allowed.
Off limit areas and closed building designations must be obeyed. Obey neighboring boundary and “No Trespassing” signs.
Camps are in forested areas where bears and mountain lions have been seen. Please take appropriate precautions.
Leave all pets at home.
Summer camp program equipment is not available for Unit or District activities.
Please do not bring appliances or furniture for any camp without prior approval of that camp’s Camp Committee.
Shooting sports (BB, rifle, shotgun, archery) COPE, rock climbing, rappelling and water activities require certified instructors. A copy of the instructor’s certification must be on file at the Council office or the reservation approval will not be granted.
At BDSR and CLP a separate Reservation Form is required for Shooting Sports. BDSR equipment is not available for these activities.

Additional Information and Regulations for each camp

Ben Delatour Scout Ranch Year-round Use (includes Camp Jeffrey, Soaring Eagle Campground, Elkhorn High Adventure Base, and Nicol Cub Camp)

Check In Procedure Back to Top

Must check in with Camp Director or Camp Ranger

Check Out Procedure Back to Top

Must check out with Camp Director or Camp Ranger

Cancellation Policy Back to Top

Refund Policy – Year Around Use

Fees for cancellation are not refunded unless a determination has been made due to weather.  

You can transfer fees to an alternate date.

You can add to your numbers and pay additional use fees after the initial reservation.

Cleaning Policy Back to Top

Bring your own toilet paper and trash bags. Troops please bring water.

All trash and garbage must be packed out of camp. This includes fire and charcoal ashes.

The camp is a NO SMOKING and NO TOBACCO facility. The ONLY designated tobacco use area is the parking lot. This includes chew, snuff, etc, as well as smoking. Some fire bans will restrict smoking to inside vehicles only: observe all fire restrictions. Pack out your cigarette butts, etc. with the rest of your trash.

Do not throw trash, bags, cans, bottles, wood, or other such items into the latrines.