Making a Reservation
Learn how to select facilities and items, and check out
Creating an Account
How to create an account and set up your profile
Editing Your Roster
How to import a roster, or edit specific people
Access Codes
How to add an access code to your reservation.
Camp T. Brady Saunders/Camp S. Douglas Fleet/Cub Adventure Camp




The Heart of Virginia Scout Reservation is comprised of three separate camping areas.  Camp T. Brady Saunders is our Scouts BSA Summer Camp and is available for part of the year for Troop and group rentals.  Camp S. Douglas Fleet is our Weekend use primitive camping area and is capable of camping 500 participants throughout 5 different camping areas.  Cub Adventure Camp is available year round for Pack, Troop, and Group rentals.  It has many different facilities available.

All of our camping areas are available to be rented and you can also add on a weekend experience program to any of the areas.  Sections of camp are sometimes used for exclusive activities so be sure to talk with the camp master about any activity restrictions while you are at camp.

Ranger Notes

Let us know if you need anything during your stay at camp.

James Hinkley - 757.358.4321


Directions to Camp

Camp T. Brady Saunders

1723 Maidens Rd, Maidens, VA 23102

Heart of Virginia Scout Reservation

Camp T. Brady Saunders 

Camp S. Douglas Fleet

Cub & Webelos Adventure Camp


From Richmond, Virginia – go west on Interstate 64, US Route 250 (Broad Street), or State Route 6 (Patterson Avenue) for approximately 27 miles.

Route 6 West – From Richmond, take State Route 6 (Patterson Avenue) west past Crozier and the State Farm, to the first traffic light (US Route 522 and Route 634). Turn right (north) on Route 624 to camp.

From the South via US Route 522 – US Route 5ss connects with US Route 60 west of Richmond. Proceed north on US Route 522. Cross the James River at Maidens. Continue straight through traffic light to Camp on Route 634.

Via Interstate 64 – Take Interstate 64 to the Oilville exit. Turn south on Route 617 to US Route 250. Turn right (west) on US Route 250. Turn left (southwest) on Route 632, then turn left (southeast) on Route 634 to Camp. Note the brown highway signs that lead into camp starting at US Route 250.

Via US Route 250 – From Richmond, Take US Route 250 (Broad Street Road) west past Oilville to Route 632. Turn left (southwest) on Route 632, then turn left (southeast) on Route 634 to Camp. Note the brown highway signs that lead to camp starting at Route 250 and Route 632 intersection.

1723 Maidens Rd
Maidens, Virginia 23102

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07:00 AM
09:00 PM

07:00 AM
09:00 PM

Dining Hall
Weekend Experience
Program Area Multi-Use
Facilities Use Charges
Equipment Rental
Day Use
Special Events

Camp Use Policy Back to Top


PARKING:  All vehicles must park in one of the designated parking areas.  Parking along roads is not permitted.

CHECK-IN: Leaders and adult visitors must check in with the Campmaster, Camping Director or Camp Ranger.  Do not plan to arrive at camp before 7:00 AM or leave after 10:00 PM.    Present a copy of your Request for Use Form and attendance roster to the Campmaster, Camping Director or Ranger on arrival at camp and check out with him when you leave.  Vehicles must be in designated parking lots immediately after unloading.  Equipment trailers may be left in the campsite.

SPEED LIMIT: The maximum speed limit on camp property is 10 mph, 5 mph on secondary roads. 

LIGHTS & STOVES:  Liquid fuel lights and stoves may only be used under adult supervision.  A 12” minimum clearance from trees and overhanging branches in required.

GARBAGE DISPOSAL:  All waste materials must be disposed of properly.  Trash may be placed in the camp dumpsters if the camp dump fee was paid.  All trash and other waste must be removed from camp property.

FIRES:  Build all campfires in established camp fire pits.  Check with the Camp Master, Council Program  Director or Camp Ranger concerning possible fire restrictions. Use proper approved fire procedures as defined in the Boy Scout Handbook. All fires must be out cold before leaving the camping area.  Do not bring in outside firewood!

TREES:  Do not cut or mark any trees without permission from the Camp Ranger. Do not clear underbrush from the edges of the campsite or clean the ground of leaf fall in and around the tents.

PROGRAM AREAS: Without prior approval, program areas are not available. Approval from the Council must be obtained in advance to use the following: Shot Gun Range, Rifle Range, Archery Range, Climbing Tower, High Low Ropes Course (Project COPE), and Aquatics Area. Use of all buildings and shelters must have prior approval.

PROGRAM ASSISTANCE: Program needs requiring special effort from the Camp Ranger must be arranged in advance with the Council.  At the end of your stay, all borrowed program items must be returned.

PROHIBITED ITEMS: Alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, fireworks and firearms are not permitted on camp property.  Offenders will be subject to immediate dismissal from camp property.

ACCIDENTS: All accidents and emergencies should be reported immediately to the Campmaster, Council Program Director or Camp Ranger.

FISHING: No fishing is permitted in the swimming and boat docking areas or within 100 feet of those areas.  (Lost fishing lures in those areas are hazardous to swimmers and boaters.) The buddy system is always used in camp but is extremely important when youth are fishing.

PROPERTY OR EQUIPMENT DAMAGE: The Unit assumes all liability for abusive damages to camp facilities or equipment.  Locked areas of camp (gates or buildings) are off-limits without prior approval from the Council.

USE OF THE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING: Only adults, with prior permission from council, are permitted to sleep in the Camp Administration Building. Sleeping is not permitted in any other building by any youth or adult campers at any time.

I have read, understand, and will follow the aforementioned regulations.  Failure to adhere to these regulations may result in my unit forfeiting their privilege to camp at Camp T. Brady Saunders.

Check In Procedure Back to Top

Upon arrival at camp please check-in with the Camp Master.

For Cub Camp the campmaster is located at the Welcome Pavilion.

For Douglas Fleet and T. Brady Saunders, they are in the Camp Master quarters by the Nawakwa museum (the red building when you turn into camp.

You can also check in with the Camp Ranger

James Hinkley (757)358-4321

Thanks for scheduling your outing at the Heart of Virginia Scout Reservation.  We look forward to having you here for a successful event.

Check Out Procedure Back to Top

When you are ready to leave camp, please make sure that your camping area and any facilities used are in good condition and clean.  Please let the campmaster or ranger know that you are leaving and about any deficiencies that need to be addressed based on your experience.

Cancellation Policy Back to Top

The Heart of Virginia Scout Reservation works to ensure quality facilities.  In the event, you need to cancel or make changes to your reservation that would result in an overpayment or refund request. The cancellations rules are canceled requests made 3 weeks or more prior to reservation, 100% refund or credit will be awarded. Canceled requests made less than 3 weeks prior but more than 2 weeks prior to the reservation will result in a 50% credit to be used in future reservations. Cancelations requests made less than 2 weeks prior to the reservations will result in no refunds or credits.

Cleaning Policy Back to Top

All facilities need to be clean and in good condition before you leave.  If you have any issues, please contact a camp ranger or the camp master.